Hello All.
Still need to get myself to hunker down and change the posting on the SSPX part II. Unfortunately it won't be until a bit later this week. I just finished 4 straight days of shifts and 3 of them are night shift (booooo!!!) and I got only a brief respite till tommorow's night shift. Those just kill me and I sleep in for 5-6 hours immediately after the following day. I might as well conisder the whole day lost.
Anyways I was scouring the blogs I usually read last week, and I found this link from a friend of mine on another Catholic blog (sorry, can't reveal the blog else it's obvious who I am. I don't think he knows I blog under a pseudoname, but I want to keep it that way):
This article has a bishop who did a study in his American diocese in Trenton, New Jersey, from fallen away parishoners. Hopefully he asked a lot more people than the Jersey Shore Snookis and Situations out there. lol! ok it was a corny Jersey Shore joke. Then again, maybe it would be interesting to ask each of them about their collapsed faith lives. We do know Snooki a.k.a. Nicole Polizzi was an altar server as in a Youtube Video on her personal channel, she said she "used to hold the candles and the book for the priest."
But I digress. While reading the article above, I couldn't help but read the articles featured reasons as to why they fall away from a few direct statements in the survey. There were many more items to break apart in the 2nd half of the article with regard to what people want in the Church, but I chose to focus this post on the first 1/2 with reasons why those people left the church, and my commentary in blue text. As always, this is from the viewpoint of a young adult, Roman Catholic, male layperson in Canada who received a private Catholic high school education (more truer to Magisteriam Teaching) and has been a Catholic revert for 2.5 years now.
Reason 1: The Church hierarchy is corrupt and evil!
".... One respondent wrote: “I separated my family from the Catholic Church and turned to an alternate religion for a while and then returned knowing I had the right religion but the wrong people running it.” Several chose to specify that they separated themselves from “the hierarchy....”
Alright, here we have a case of "I left the Church cause the idiots running the show are corrupt." First let's get the rough stuff out of the way. Yes, the instiutional Church has screwed up, as you have seen some occasions here on YCRCMB. What I meant by the institutional church is: the liberal or weakly-catechized teachers of Catholic schools, the numerous lax or liberal priests, the religious brothers and sisters (Fr. Z. will sometimes refer to the sisters and the "Magisterium of Nuns"), your parents, etc. Many people in the wake of the "Spirit of"/misapplication of Vatican II" took all sorts of liberties with their positions in power. Furthermore, yes we've seen priests in financial and even sexual scandal or bishops who have failed to uphold even Canon Law. Disgraced and likely lacized Raymond Lahey is the most recent example to mind here in Canada. So sorry if you sadly got one of these priests, teachers, or even your parents, who failed to teach you the authentic true tenets of the Catholic Faith.
Now, does this mean that the whole Church is bad???? No. As a whole, Christ in Matthew 16:18 vowed to Peter when he infomred him he would have His teaching authority (knowing he would die on the Cross), that ``the gates of Hell shall not prevail against [the Church] when it comes to providing us the means of spirtual salvation. Further when we look at the individuals in the Church in positions of power, when they screw up or are corrupt all the way to the Popes themselves (e.g. the Medici line of popes), the Church will still be there for us and theologically and spiritually remain intact till His Second Coming (a.k.a. the end of all existence). If it has survived corruption before, it will continue to survive, and be the spiritual link to our salvation despite what happens in its physical walls and organization.
In addition, all throughout our salvation history including the Old Testament, God (and Jesus once the Word Made Flesh existed) used ordinary, sinful men, to carry out God's love and desire for our selves to unify us with him. In the OT, think of for example, king David, whom was one of the most, if not the greatest, king(s) of Israel of all time. He sent poor Uriah to die in battle to claim his wife for himself (Uh David? hello? I think there is a commandment of those big 10 about coveting your neighbour's goods???). Once a prophet came and chided him did he finally realize "Oh no!!!!". Yes even this great king was flawed. And look at the Apostles themselves. They were all sinners, heck Matthew was even a reviled tax collector, and they were the big 12 who carried out Christ's authority and began what is the awesome Catholic Church. Also don't forget, of those sinful apostles, two of the four Gospels were written by a member each, including that reviled tax collector.
Reason 2a, b, c: Female roles, Peer involvement, and Spiritual Mentorship
" One 23-year-old woman said: I felt deceived and undervalued by the church. I didn’t understand certain things and found no mentors within the church. I just stopped going because my community of friends and family were no longer in the church ...
2A, "DEPRECIATION OF WOMAN": Man, this is a much larger kettle of fish when you deal with the Church and feminism. I won't tackle the ideaology in depth, other than to say that thanks to 2nd wave radical feminism, it has misled both sexes (incl. men in supporting this) to believe in more than just human rights and true equality for women, including misandry (man-hating) and a passion to rule the world and punish all men or those who won't go along with their agenda. Now this woman is by no means shown to be a radical feminist, or a feminist at all for that matter, but I have to adress her deception and undervaluing. I also am sorry for this young woman, that with the liberal wave of the "Spirit of Vatican II" came a lie in the form of women infiltrating every crevice of the Church and taking over it like a rebellion, and the poor examples of conduct shown by her role models of both sexes. Maybe even being told of things like womynpriests and even a woman pope.That was not the truth and you should have not been even led to believe such a thing. Blame our stupid higher ups and the "Magisterium of [pantsuit] Nuns" for that one, and us laity for just going along with that.
I will say, however, that the Church does have many positive roles for women. One of the better fruits of Vatican II was the opening of liturgical "ministries" once held by minor orders to the Laity. This young woman, and yourselves too any female readers, can actively get involved in the Liturgy. Because of an indult (indults are supposed to be "special priviledges" not the norm in the Church) that got widespread to a point, Pope John Paul II had to be prudent and for the sake of civility, he made altar serving available to women in Churches and dioceses that allow it (some bishop's don't or pastors in their parishes don't and the bishop OKs this.) So one could be a female altar server. There are other lay ministries in the Mass, like extraordinary ministers of the Eucharist, and lectors that PROCLAIM the Word of God. Also there are female sacristans, directors of religious education/catechists, and even pastoral associates. If you want to be somewnat more valued as a young person in the Church, show them you mean business!!!! Turn the tides and show them you love your Mother Church and the Holy Father and Want to make a good, positive, orthodox difference in your parish and keep it alive! Also as a side note, there have been many female saints and some powerful writers such as St. Joan of Arc, St. Hildegard of Bingen (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hildegard_of_Bingen), Mother Theresa, and Alice Von Hildebrand who've made their mark so to speak on the Church's history as key figures (and Saints!). A modern day Catholic phenom or example is Dr. Janet Smith. Also, John Paul II has adressed this modern state of Women in the Church in a very heartfelt letter here: http://www.vatican.va/holy_father/john_paul_ii/letters/documents/hf_jp-ii_let_29061995_women_en.html
2B, "No Mentors": I partially disagree with the respondent on this one. Where I disagree is that there are many good mentors in the Church, even if they are not in traditional roles. We tend to think of mentors as simply the priests, bishops, or nuns. While laity cannot provide traditional spiritual direction or deep counselling (high school and hospital chapliancy seems different from that,) mentors or role models in the church can extend to people we don't think of normally: the sacristan, the head of a ministry such as lectoring, the youth minister, maybe even the parish secretary or humble Ms. Lumen Christi who goes to her weekly Mass, prays the Rosary daily, and has her wits about her with regards to the true teachings of the Catholic faith while looking after her children and grandchildren in her spare time! Just because there aren't a lot of clergy to look up to, or a lack of clergy who are traditional and don't espouse worldly values, it doesn't mean there are a lack or good mentors out there. Also if its true Church knowledge you are looking for, there's laypeople doing apologetics and teaching it right (e.g. Catholic Answers, Fr. Z) on the Internet, and maybe even your own diocese (though that can WIDELY vary according to what your bishop ``allows`.`) If it really is that bad, then thanks to today's technologies, go out there and find out the Truth for yourself! Thanks to the marvels of the Internet and other technology and cheap printing, the true Catholic faith in the Catechism of the Catholic Church and its Compendium or other good solid literature is one Amazon.com order away, or one is just a click away from the Vatican's/Popes of present and pasts' major writings on www.vatican.va/. Also, you are not alone. There are lonesome good faithful Catholic youngsters out there too if you know where to look. They are also amonst the pews. I'm sure they'd love a friend like you too and also to feel not alone out there. That's what I did myself to revert, though a youth ministry helped me start to get there. And if you have the guts, go be that mentor! Go get the training and form that youth minsitry (a lot of hard work required though, so be firm in commitment!) Change the outlook on things! Finally, there are more traditional orders of nuns and priests springing up in correlation with the New Evangelization, and even the average seminarian or priest of the John Paul II and Benedict XVI generations is becoming more sound and reliable as spiritual mentors. Why if your local seminary allows contact with those seminarians outside of the parish in their practicum year, maybe a seminarian could be your mentor! They are relatively young too!
2C: Peer Involvement: I 100% support this woman's statement on it. For high schoolers, and even more so young adults who aren't married, the institutional Church overall, sucks, when it comes to reaching this age group. It seems still the big focus is: Getting those sacraments pumped into kids` spiritual veins like some sort of vaccine up to Confirmation age, Marriage, and seniors. They are the institutional Church`s biggest "clients/consumers" to use crude business terminology. Sadly this approach makes it much harder for youth to appreciate the Church, and when their parishes or communities (including univerisities) have nothing to offer or what is offered is rather POOR and uninviting like my univeristy years were, it`s either tackle the world alone with whatever little Catholic Faith you got, or ``join the party`` of the secular, amoral, hedonist culture of the world and do whatever you want (and hopefully nothing serious will befall you .... ). However, there are efforts being made to incorporate youth into the Church`s daily life again. In the wake of declining parish populations and a slow but steady revival of Church theological and spiritual orthodoxy, parishes and dioceses are waking up to realize this group needs to be sought out as they are LOSING the youth to the world, flesh, and the Devil (if priests even acknolwedge his existence to begin with). Numerous parishes are even getting in there and dealing with pre-teens as, to paraphrase the EDGE (TM) youth ministry program that deals with Gr. 6-8 pre-teens: These kids are at a precous stage in their physical, mental, and especially spritual development as young Catholics. They are metaphorically ``on the edge`` and if we don`t reach out to them in this ever increasigly aggresive secular world, we may lose them forever and they won`t remain in the Catholic Church .... and likely never desire to come back. This idea even extends to the teenage years and especally for young adults prior to marriage years. Even good young Catholic men and women like myself, can fall after that stage, even if they got a `better upbringing` in their youth and teens. Once they hit university, if they aren`t strong enough to hit the wall of secularism that smacks them in the face, or stay within a supportive Catholic parish/community, well you get the picture. Therefore, youth ministries of varying degrees are emerging. Now, not all ministries are equal. Some are organized programs like LIFETEEN(TM) and EDGE (TM) needing large bodies of people in a core team (priest, youth minister, leaders), while others are one to few person gigs with a less structured focus meeting less frequently. Also, not all ministers are theologically conservative, depending on their background, personality, and even what they are studying in their post-secondary Catholic school. This is where you gotta do your research and find one that will help you to love the Church (including its teachings) and also enhance your personal spirituality. However, for this survey respondent in particular, it was even much harder for her, as those people she looked up to bought into the secular culture of the world and gave her poor example to live up to as a Catholic. Sometimes, you just gotta bite the bullet and go against the grain of those you know, and YOU be the shining example of the faith, that ``light of the world, the salt of the Earth`` to your family and friends. You be the catechist, you be the ``New Evangelization`` in your actions and knowledge of the faith and maybe you will call your friends and family back to the spiritual arms of Mother Church (she is a mother in a sense, the ``Bride of Christ.``). As a last note, do look around your city and parish for youth ministries and even singles communities of Catholics, or even Catholic dating services, if you are seriously considering marriage yourself. Just be careful which one you use. Ì recommend the one promoted on Catholic Answers, www.catholicmatch.com/ as that one is not a secular dating site, nor is it geared towards extreme ultra/rad-trad Catholics either.
Reason 3: THE LITURGY!!!!!!: ``“I tried different Catholic churches in the area because I just didn’t seem to be getting anything out of the Mass, especially the homily.” Another person said, “I stopped going regularly because the homilies were so empty. And whenever the church wanted to raise money, they dropped the homily and talked money.” There were many complaints about the quality of homilies as well as about poor music at Mass.`` [My text is now red colour as I'm going into Fr.Z rant mode]
AHHHHHH!!!!! If there is any one thing that ticks me off as to making people leave parishes, it's this. Priests and higher clergy (Deacons included), the homily is not the time to express your wishy-washy liberal sentiments or to promote social justice causes. It is also not "me" time to say something that makes you feel good nor joke around (though I'd make an exception for using it as a literary device to introduce your topic of necessity). The homily is the time to make sense of the Liturgy of the Word's readings to the congregation, to tell "the moral of the story" as it were from the mouth of Christ himself, and even to relate Christ's teachings to modern day life, and that may include reiterating Catholic teachings (yes, of THAT CATECHISM) and even apologetics as well. People crave those good, solid homilies they can take home, even just one nugget of spiritual umph to nourish their souls and minds, geared towards the objective truth of the Lord. They also are in a world of constant flux and are relying on YOU to tackle those issues, like that YouTube kid who says he loves Jesus but hates organized religion. We hate when you abuse the message of Christ to promote your latest church fundraizing campaign DURING THE MASS (unless you also teach us a theological lesson about the necessity of a parish building and its centrality to our faith) or even replace the homily with a "guest speaker" from the local diocesan charity that also deals out money to pro-abortion side arm divisions (knowingly or unknowingly). If you have to announce this stuff due to the commands from the bishops (an every Mass this Sunday kind of thing), the proper place in the Ordinary Form is before the dismissal, and in the EF prior to the "continuation of the Gospel" before the Homily. However you could also have people optionally listen after a Mass, and you don`t waste time with the uninterested early self-dismissal people either.
Finally, your homily might be ALL the Catechesis that a kid or adult will get in their whole week. No, you CANNOT TRUST the separate school systems as they are under the thumb of the government who gives them most of their funding or teachers who teach under the guise of ``tolerance`` and ``anti-bullying.`` They must obey whatever the government dictates or suffer financially, and that might include promoting social justice causes that contradict Church teaching. Worse, not all your teachers that work in those systems are Catholic. And the ones that are? I dare you to quiz them on their basics: What is the Trinity? What is the Mass? What is the Eucharist? What are the 7 Sacraments? Do they know what Sin is? Is there such a thing as Sin? Many would not be able to give a straight answer I'd bet you. Also, if the school administration and teachers are brainwashed socially and liberally beyond reasoning, the minute you step foot and mention SIN of any kind or a teaching on the big issues like papal infallability, abortion, euthanasia etc. I guarantee you will likely not be let back in to that school. Therefore clergy, you got only one shot a week to teach these people something about the true Faith. If you don't want to and espouse a "Jesus loves everybody" message, they'll find NOTHING UNIQUE about the Catholic faith vs. the other faiths out there, or worse will think you aren't serious about your position and are just "sucking on the power teat" as it were. Now if they like that kinda "lukewarm" thing, fine, but maybe you should look ahead to the future 10-20 years down the road when your donating parishoners die and the collection baskets thin out because the next generation isn't giving a lot and not having enough children (or none if they are contracepting), and the next two generations are leaving/have left the parishes after Confirmation. Just saying!
In fact, I'm personally switching my parish for the Novus Ordo, as this above is one of the reasons. At least at the new N.O. parish I'm seeking has priests that give good traditionally-minded hiomilies, one of them leaning more on solid catechesis and spirituality while another excels at applying the Gospel and LOTW to the modern world. That's the stuff I crave baby!!! And it seems this young woman does too.
The Liturgical Music
Now to tackle music. Music's purpose in the liturgy is outlined here in the Papal Instruction Liturgicam Sacram "
5. Liturgical worship is given a more noble form when it is celebrated in
song, with the ministers of each degree fulfilling their ministry and the people
participating in it" (I, 5). In other words, it is used as an accompanyment to help lift your soul and help you be in a prayerful mood for the Mass and be able to particilate in it more fully. This document, BTW, was issued by the Vatican II pope, Paul VI. Let's look further into this document: "60. The new melodies for the vernacular texts certainly need to undergo a period
of experimentation in order that they may attain a sufficient maturity and
perfection. However, anything done in churches, even if only for experimental
purposes, which is unbecoming to the holiness of the place, the dignity of the
liturgy and the devotion of the faithful, must be avoided." (V, 60) I post this with regard to that fodangled new pop-ish stuff and those tunes of the 60's and 70's in your parents' days where pop hits were turned into Churchy songs (or in the worst cases even used) as well as some of the new genres like "praise and worship." What can we take from this? Look, there is leeway for experiementation and development of new sacred music in Church history. But that does not give you the right to incorporate whatever music you like in the liturgy, just to be "in with the times." If we want secular garbage we'll get that off YouTube and we don't need it elsewhere. We young people can't stand when adults try to "cramp our style" so to speak.
Also accompanying that paragraph is this: " .... Musical instruments can be very useful in sacred celebrations, whether
they accompany the singing or whether they are played as solo instruments. "The pipe organ is to be held in high esteem in the Latin Church, since it is
its traditional instrument, the sound of which can add a wonderful splendor to
the Church's ceremonies and powerfully lift up men's minds to God and higher
things." "The use of other instruments may also be admitted in divine worship, given
the decision and consent of the competent territorial authority, provided that
the instruments are suitable for sacred use, or can be adapted to it, that they
are in keeping with the dignity of the temple, and truly contribute to the
edification of the faithful."[43]" (VI, 62) Secular instruments and elements might be okay, but have to be assessed as to whether they are or are not geared to the liturgy. Also, just by their sound/nature, some instruments are clearly poorly suited or not at all for the liturgy (e.g. drums, electric guitar when it's not electrically changed by an amp to sound acoustic, and even acoustic guitars to some extent) should be either cautiously used or not at all. The Church, the choir loft, and especially the sanctuary, is not suitable for a rock concert! Sadly there's that territorial authority thing (cough, bishops, cough) so em if you get a liberal one, well don't be suprized to find the aging hippie band or the folk choir with a guitar at the parish. As for the LIFETEEN/EDGE rock group bands, well I'm mixed. I say the best thing is, well fine let them have their band playing P and W music (if they have to have a band at all for those Masses) but do introduce them to Gregorian Chant and other better Church music to see the gamut of "allowable" music and read to the youth the document above, as well as some of the Vatican II stuff that also speaks with regard to the liturgy. Practically, Is there a schola or a choir school/cathedral they can take a day/eve trip to see? Maybe a secular choir that performs classical/baroque pieces out of musical respect or reverence?
Now you might say, what about the corny music that passes for liturgical ``hymns``? Well likely they got by thanks to your bishop cause of this: "54. In preparing popular versions of those parts which will be set to
melodies, and especially of the Psalter, experts should take care that fidelity
to the Latin text is suitably harmonized with applicability of the vernacular
text to musical settings. The nature and laws of each language must be
respected, and the features and special characteristics of each people must be
taken into consideration: all this, together with the laws of sacred music,
should be carefully considered by musicians in the preparation of the new
melodies. The competent territorial authority will therefore ensure that in the
commission entrusted with the composition of versions for the people, there are
experts in the subjects already mentioned as well as in Latin and the
vernacular; from the outset of the work, they must combine their efforts." (V, 54). So in a nutshell, if the bishop is lax and lets this stuff by, well too bad if your pastor okays it use. This is where you have to let your bishop and pastor know you don't like what they do. If they don't listen, you have every right to walk and register at another parish that does respect the Church's liturgical tradition and has music that elevates your soul in the liturgy of the Mass. You also have the right to take your money and put it into the hands of competent musical ministers or choirmasters, and withhold it if your parish is screwing with your ability to truly worship Christ in the Mass in a proper, liturgically correct, manner. It is your hard earned money after all. Also one can protest with their feet: The Church CANNOT deny you your sacraments as long as you are not excommunicated (with exception to reconciliation likely at the hands of the bishop), so you can go to any Catholic Church and attend their Mass, including ones with all the smells and bells and Gregorian Chant if your home parish keeps singing "Gather us In" from that Gather hymnal and "Send down the fire".
My point is, well, the lady has a valid point! Not all this kind of modern stuff is liked by our generation, and we do like the traditional uplifting Church music. We want music that lifts our souls to participate more fully in the Mass, and if you aren't doing it parish X, we have the right and we will go to parish Y that has that unless we are, like "whatever." though we likely won't come back for a long time or never if we have that attitude. You can't deny us our sacraments and kick us out for our liturgical musical preferences. Furthermore, not everyone is moved by your type of music (though not everyone, even some faithful young Roman Catholics, are moved by Gregorian Chant and actually are moved by Praise and Worship or other forms of liturgical music). My point is, move with your feet and your wallet if you can't stand the bandstand.
Alright rant mode OFF. Unfortunately the liberal/mainstream media has made a mess in the minds of many average people with this one, Reason # 4: ".... The scandal surrounding the sexual abuse of minors by clergy was mentioned often. One man said that what did it for him was “the bishop’s refusal to list pedophile priests on the diocesan Web site and his non-support of the effort to lift the statute of limitations for bringing sexual abuses cases forward in the courts"
Well I cannot stand for this person's diocese. However, generally, those priests and bishops who have done anything like this, you've made the Church worse and you deserve the criminal and civil and Church penalties you get. Even Canada is not immune. It is generally known that some of the nuns and priests who took care of Native Canadian reserve school and residences, treated the Natives with abuse of multiple kinds. Also, recently a bishop from the Maritimes, Raymond Lahey, was found with pornography with his computer in 2009. So there's no shortage of stories even for Canada. However, generally, as a whole, the majority of Church clergy do not engage in this kind of activity. In fact this can be applied to every major profession in modern society. The expression is "a few rotten apples spoil the bunch". Now, I will not perform apologeitcs on the Church sex crisis in this post in detail as it's been extensively covered by other Internet and media apologists. For Canadians, the best arguments I can recommend are found in the works of Michael Coren of Sun Media TV, especially "Why the Catholic Church is Right." He tackles the issue with a whole chapter RIGHT FROM THE START of his book. As for the rest of you viewers you can also view Michael Voris' video series on this matter in his little 6-10 min daily faith blurb called "The Vortex" on youtube. Search for Michael Voris, Vortex, and sex scandal or crisis in Catholic Church. I believe he did the weeklong series at the beginning of September in 2010 when the 2nd wave of the crisis hit or was still at high tide?
And this is where I will retire. I could spend many a day on this portion of the survey and more, but this mind has other things he'd like to devote his time to. Enjoy the read, and as always, my blog rules are in effect, so think before posting.
Pax Tibi Christi, YCRCM.
1 Timothy 6:12 (NRSV - CCCB) - "Fight the good fight of the faith; take hold of eternal life, to which you were called and for which you made the good confession in the presence of many witnesses."
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
SUPPER DEE DUPER quickpost: Churchy feel good liberals, BEWARE!!!
So I was just checking my rotation of blogs, and this showed up:
This is pretty significant. I certainly thought Fellay and the SSPX were going to be stubborn louts and ruin it. This is a game changer and will certainly strengthen the powers of TCs and TPs everywhere!!!! If things become finalized and canonically valid INCLUDING SACRAMENTALLY all their "sacraments" outside the Mass (quotations to be removed in future), the Church will regain 500+ priests and their army of servers, MCs, and such can aid us who have stayed true and loyal to the Magisterium/Vatican in our cause of the EF/TLM!!!! Once I get the canonical OK from Pater Benedictus XVI, I might explore them .... but I won't go that far in my Traditional Catholicicsm. I've got too much invested currently with the Novus Ordo Church and my regular TC/TP effots.
Anyways, Now that this announcement has been unleashed, I will have to align my Part II post quite a bit. While I am glad for the sake of the EF/TLM that SSPX seems to be on their way to full canonization, I have my concerns about them extra-liturgically (e.g. psychologically/sociologically). That will be where my criticism lies in the Part II post.
Keeping my eyes peeled on this one,
UPDATE Tues Apr 17, 1035pm EST/2235h:
I think I jumped the gun here. Obviously the only acceptable source of Yes or No is the Holy Father Himself. Read here:
Let us all pray Fellay didn't make the response so screwed that B16 rejects SSPX. Let's hope the "modifications" are acceptable. It's up to him to accept or reject B16's offer and unify with the Church, not the other way around.
UPDATE Sun May 6, 2012, 444pm EST/1644h
Those pro-SSPX supporters at Rorate Caeli picked this up from a news source somewhere:
So it sounds like this month, the be all and end all for the Society will occur, and the Papal satellite cannon will either fire it's ultimate schiz-Or beam at the Society, or the abort codes will shut the satellite down on itself and finally, we'll be welcoming 500+ priests and numerous adherents to the Society home. That, and canonical and licit sacraments will finally be offered by them. Keep praying guys, cause this will either bestow a powerful bunch of TC allies to the cause, or will deal a severe blow to the Latin Mass/EF initiatives worldwide and allow liberals in the Church to mock us sympathetic to TC/TPs more.
Update Mon May 21 (Victoria Day in Canada), 2012, 1020 pm EST/2220h
This has been making the Circuit on the blogs as Fellay himself while in Vienna spoke about the negotiations:
I'd like to highlight some points of the text:
So in short, all this YCRCM can say, is we must keep our ears peeled, and if Fellay isn't stupid enough to do what his predecessor, +Lefevbre did (yes he was a validly consecrated bishop in the Church, and key name in the Vatican II accounts), we my friends will have reinforcements for the sake of the Latin Mass and many more clergy, servers and the like to revive this spiritual transfusion in the Church. However, I still have doubts, which reminds me to get to work on part II of my big SSPX post .... I might just do that this week with some time off if I don't get emergency work calls or give aways ... sad thing is I'll have to take them as the taxman killed me this year, even with a job and an accoutant.I lost 1.5 - 2 paychecks worth of my hard earned, already taxed doe to Stephen HARPER!!!! (angry tone. sigh).
So I was just checking my rotation of blogs, and this showed up:
This is pretty significant. I certainly thought Fellay and the SSPX were going to be stubborn louts and ruin it. This is a game changer and will certainly strengthen the powers of TCs and TPs everywhere!!!! If things become finalized and canonically valid INCLUDING SACRAMENTALLY all their "sacraments" outside the Mass (quotations to be removed in future), the Church will regain 500+ priests and their army of servers, MCs, and such can aid us who have stayed true and loyal to the Magisterium/Vatican in our cause of the EF/TLM!!!! Once I get the canonical OK from Pater Benedictus XVI, I might explore them .... but I won't go that far in my Traditional Catholicicsm. I've got too much invested currently with the Novus Ordo Church and my regular TC/TP effots.
Anyways, Now that this announcement has been unleashed, I will have to align my Part II post quite a bit. While I am glad for the sake of the EF/TLM that SSPX seems to be on their way to full canonization, I have my concerns about them extra-liturgically (e.g. psychologically/sociologically). That will be where my criticism lies in the Part II post.
Keeping my eyes peeled on this one,
UPDATE Tues Apr 17, 1035pm EST/2235h:
I think I jumped the gun here. Obviously the only acceptable source of Yes or No is the Holy Father Himself. Read here:
Let us all pray Fellay didn't make the response so screwed that B16 rejects SSPX. Let's hope the "modifications" are acceptable. It's up to him to accept or reject B16's offer and unify with the Church, not the other way around.
UPDATE Sun May 6, 2012, 444pm EST/1644h
Those pro-SSPX supporters at Rorate Caeli picked this up from a news source somewhere:
So it sounds like this month, the be all and end all for the Society will occur, and the Papal satellite cannon will either fire it's ultimate schiz-Or beam at the Society, or the abort codes will shut the satellite down on itself and finally, we'll be welcoming 500+ priests and numerous adherents to the Society home. That, and canonical and licit sacraments will finally be offered by them. Keep praying guys, cause this will either bestow a powerful bunch of TC allies to the cause, or will deal a severe blow to the Latin Mass/EF initiatives worldwide and allow liberals in the Church to mock us sympathetic to TC/TPs more.
Update Mon May 21 (Victoria Day in Canada), 2012, 1020 pm EST/2220h
This has been making the Circuit on the blogs as Fellay himself while in Vienna spoke about the negotiations:
I'd like to highlight some points of the text:
".... This structure that is being offered to the Society is in fact entirely appropriate. That is, if it actually takes place, you will feel absolutely no difference between now and afterwards. We will remain as we are, so to speak ....
So it seems that the SSPX, according to this statement, is being likely offered an ordinate like the Anglicans under A. Coebitus. I am thinking it is less likely a personal prelature, because the latter would imply that they must be adherent to ordinary bishops of dioceses, and well many of them would say no to the SSPX cause they are liberal heterodox thinking types still from the pre JPII and B16 generations. An ordinate would, like the Angilcans, mean that they are physically separate from the dioceses and can own their own properties, and be directly under the command of B16 himself. The key words are underlined leading me to think as such is more likely. Do not forget, the SSPX hierarchy`s biggest fear is that they`ll end up like the FSSP or other organizations, forced to set up shop in little hidey holes in the country they are in, treated with contempt by the mainstream Catholic society and just another "act" under the big circus tent that is the modern INSTITUTIONAL Catholic Church.
".... It could happen that, in the upcoming days, weeks - it is very hard to ascertain this - the Pope will decide directly.... That is the current status."
So it's likely that this month, the Satellite canon will either be launched or the abort codes on the SSPX will be unleashed by Benedict, metaphorically speaking.
Some others on the Catholic Blogosphere have noticed a pattern that Benedict tends to do pretty big things on Church solemnities/feast days, so perhaps, maybe Pentecost or the vigil of it, something BIG is going to happen. And would it be appropriate!!! It is often said that it is by the Holy Spirit that conversion to Catholicism happens, so I wouldn't be suprized if the big announcement occurs on Pentecost.
So in short, all this YCRCM can say, is we must keep our ears peeled, and if Fellay isn't stupid enough to do what his predecessor, +Lefevbre did (yes he was a validly consecrated bishop in the Church, and key name in the Vatican II accounts), we my friends will have reinforcements for the sake of the Latin Mass and many more clergy, servers and the like to revive this spiritual transfusion in the Church. However, I still have doubts, which reminds me to get to work on part II of my big SSPX post .... I might just do that this week with some time off if I don't get emergency work calls or give aways ... sad thing is I'll have to take them as the taxman killed me this year, even with a job and an accoutant.I lost 1.5 - 2 paychecks worth of my hard earned, already taxed doe to Stephen HARPER!!!! (angry tone. sigh).
Quickpost: Spike in pageviews again
Hi all,
My record got broken again. at 17:00 according to the blogosphere, I got 19 hits! Checking the day stats for the whole dayy (0000h - 2359) 18 of those are from the Netherlands. I am not 100% sure whether this means there are some hungry Catholics there seeking knowledge, or someone's fishining for information, or some kind of internet bot is spying on me somehow. Hmmmmmm.....
My record got broken again. at 17:00 according to the blogosphere, I got 19 hits! Checking the day stats for the whole dayy (0000h - 2359) 18 of those are from the Netherlands. I am not 100% sure whether this means there are some hungry Catholics there seeking knowledge, or someone's fishining for information, or some kind of internet bot is spying on me somehow. Hmmmmmm.....
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Quickpost: Holding back on my current project
Hello All,
So I've been saying I've been working on a blogpost project the last few occasions. In reality, I started working on this post since I first started my blog last August. I'll reveal it now: I was working on Part II of the SSPX situation. The first post was a brief historical overview for people who weren`t in the know about the subject.
My part II was going to be my reflections and opinions on the matter with both some positives, but also criticism about them via websites of ex supporters with accounts of those who fled the Society and some of their public resources and why I am wary of them from an extra-liturgical (e.g. outside the TLM/EF) reasons. For this purpose, I didn`t want to say directly I was doing it, and I know it would make a lot of sympathizers and supporters very, inordinately angry on the TC blogosphere. Some people are so devoted to them they go on blogs and express their love of the Society, criticizing anyone and anything against them. One blog in particular, Rorate Caeli, tends to have more of these extreme position people in their comboxes vs. other TC blogs. At least the head moderator there, New Catholic, keeps a level head on many posts. I only keep up with that blog for news about the situation and on the TLM`s growth worldwide, especially North America.
Anyways, with the ever possible decision to be reached by the Vatican this month, (with the ultimatum date being said to be tomorrow, April the 15, Divine Mercy Sunday/Low Sunday in the EF) on the status of the Society, via acceptance or rejection of the doctrinal preamble, I have decided to be prudent and somewhat charitable, and I am not going to post my project at this time. Depending on which way the decision goes, it will need to be editied further to reflect that decision, or further developed in the form I have now.
Whatever happens, there is much work to be done with the Society in the Church, and to the Church with the Society. I ask you tonight to pray whatever prayers you can (seems the Rosary keeps poping up with them) and hope, do hope, that pride will be swept away and Fellay will lead the SSPX home to full canonical status. We need them for the sake of the EF/TLM !!!! We need their acceptance and their MCs and servers to help us learn that beautiful Mass of all time and restore the Mass as part of the New Evangelization!!!
But before I go, again a warning. Read my first post in September 2011 on my blog rules before you post, if you must comment as well. I do suggest though not commenting and waiting and seeing what tomorrow brings, or the next few weeks after that if not immediate ...
So I've been saying I've been working on a blogpost project the last few occasions. In reality, I started working on this post since I first started my blog last August. I'll reveal it now: I was working on Part II of the SSPX situation. The first post was a brief historical overview for people who weren`t in the know about the subject.
My part II was going to be my reflections and opinions on the matter with both some positives, but also criticism about them via websites of ex supporters with accounts of those who fled the Society and some of their public resources and why I am wary of them from an extra-liturgical (e.g. outside the TLM/EF) reasons. For this purpose, I didn`t want to say directly I was doing it, and I know it would make a lot of sympathizers and supporters very, inordinately angry on the TC blogosphere. Some people are so devoted to them they go on blogs and express their love of the Society, criticizing anyone and anything against them. One blog in particular, Rorate Caeli, tends to have more of these extreme position people in their comboxes vs. other TC blogs. At least the head moderator there, New Catholic, keeps a level head on many posts. I only keep up with that blog for news about the situation and on the TLM`s growth worldwide, especially North America.
Anyways, with the ever possible decision to be reached by the Vatican this month, (with the ultimatum date being said to be tomorrow, April the 15, Divine Mercy Sunday/Low Sunday in the EF) on the status of the Society, via acceptance or rejection of the doctrinal preamble, I have decided to be prudent and somewhat charitable, and I am not going to post my project at this time. Depending on which way the decision goes, it will need to be editied further to reflect that decision, or further developed in the form I have now.
Whatever happens, there is much work to be done with the Society in the Church, and to the Church with the Society. I ask you tonight to pray whatever prayers you can (seems the Rosary keeps poping up with them) and hope, do hope, that pride will be swept away and Fellay will lead the SSPX home to full canonical status. We need them for the sake of the EF/TLM !!!! We need their acceptance and their MCs and servers to help us learn that beautiful Mass of all time and restore the Mass as part of the New Evangelization!!!
But before I go, again a warning. Read my first post in September 2011 on my blog rules before you post, if you must comment as well. I do suggest though not commenting and waiting and seeing what tomorrow brings, or the next few weeks after that if not immediate ...
Friday, April 13, 2012
Quickpost: Traditional Catholicism is Winning
Hello All.
Just a quick post, with a thank you to The Deacon's Bench for highliting this, which interestingly enough comes from the notoriously liberal Wall Street Journal about an increase in vocations to the priesthood:
Just a quick post, with a thank you to The Deacon's Bench for highliting this, which interestingly enough comes from the notoriously liberal Wall Street Journal about an increase in vocations to the priesthood:
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Good Friday Homily from the Vatican, April 6. 2012
Hello Everyone. Thanks to the Vatican's new online news site, news.va, I bring to you the Good Friday Homily of the Vatican. Here's the Link: http://www.news.va/en/news/full-text-good-friday-homily-of-fr-raniero-cantala. I comment in certain parts in puruple like Fr. Z does and only had one comment that was a slightly speckled filled nutty.
Father Raniero Cantalamessa, ofmcap“I DIED, AND BEHOLD I AM ALIVE FOR EVERMORE” (Revelation 1:18)Homily of Good Friday 2012 in Saint Peter’s Basilica
Some ancient Fathers of the Church enclosed in an image the whole mystery of the redemption. Imagine, they said, that an epic fight took place in the stadium. A courageous man confronted a cruel tyrant who had the city enslaved and, with enormous effort and suffering, defeated him. You were on the terraces; you did not fight, or make an effort or get wounded. However, if you admire the courageous man, if you rejoice with him over his victory, if you intertwine crowns, arouse and stir the assembly for him, if you kneel joyfully before the triumphant one, kiss his head and shake his right hand; in a word, if you rave so much as to consider his victory yours, I tell you that you will certainly have part of the victor’s prize. However, there is more: imagine that the victor had himself no need of the prize he had won, but wished more than anything to see his supporter honored and considers as the prize of his combat the crowning of his friend, in that case, perhaps, will that man not obtain the crown also though he has not toiled on been wounded? He certainly will obtain it![1] [What a fitting analogy]
It happens thus, say the Fathers, between Christ and us. On the cross, he defeated the ancient enemy. “Our swords – exclaims Saint John Chrysostom – were not bloodied, we were not in agony, we were not wounded, we did not even see the battle and yet we obtain the victory. His was the fight, ours the crown. And because we are also the conquerors, let us imitate what soldiers do in such cases: with joyful voices let us exalt the victory, let us intone hymns of praise to the Lord!”[2] It is not possible to explain better the meaning of the liturgy we are celebrating. * * *
However, is what we are doing itself an image, a representation of a reality of the past, or is it the reality itself? It is both things! “We – said Saint Augustine to the people – know and believe with very certain faith that Christ died only once for us […]. You know perfectly that all that happened only once, and yet the solemnity renews it periodically […]. Historical truth and liturgical solemnity are not opposed to one another, as if the second is fallacious and the first alone corresponds to the truth. In fact, of what history says occurred only once in reality, the solemnity repeatedly renews the celebration in the hearts of the faithful. [This is exactly what happens every single Mass. We are renewed sacramentally in the Eucharist and re-immerse ourselves in His passion, death, and resurecction, via the unbloddy re-presentation of his Sacrifice on Calvary.] ”[3]The liturgy “renews” the event: how many discussions have taken place for the past five centuries on the meaning of this word, especially when it is applied to the sacrifice of the cross and to the Mass! Paul VI used a verb that could smooth the way to an ecumenical agreement [holding my feelings in on this one .... grrrr....] on such an argument: the verb “to represent,” understood in the strong sense of re-presenting, namely to render what happened again present and operative.[4]
There is an essential difference between the representation of Christ’s death and that, for example, of the death of Julius Caesar in Shakespeare’s tragedy of the same name. No one celebrates as a living person the anniversary of his own death; Christ does because he is risen. Only he can say, as he does in Revelation: “I died, and behold I am alive ever more” (Revelation 1:18). We must be careful on this day, visiting the so-called sepulchers or taking part in processions of the dead Christ, not to merit the reproach that the Risen One addressed to the pious women on Easter morning: “Why do you seek the living among the dead?” (Luke 24:5). The affirmation of certain Orthodox authors is bold but true. The anamnesis, namely the liturgical memorial, “renders the event truer than when it happened historically the first time.” In other words, it is more true and real for us who relive it “according to the Spirit,” than it was for those who lived it “according to the flesh,” before the Holy Spirit revealed the full meaning to the Church.
We are not only celebrating an anniversary but a mystery [YES!]. Again, it is Saint Augustine who explains the difference between the two things. In the celebration “by way of anniversary,” nothing else is required – he says – than to “indicate with a religious solemnity the day of the year in which the recollection of the event itself takes place;” in the celebration by way of mystery (“in sacrament”), “not only is an event commemorated but it is also done in a way in which its meaning is understood and it is received devoutly.”[5]This changes everything. It is not just a question of attending a representation, but of “accepting” the significance, of passing from spectators to actors. [The context is not the way we know actors, like those on our movie screens or Hollywood, nor it is people in their various lay ministries or bringing up the wooden cross. He means as in the person participating in mind, body, and soul, uniting their prayers with that of the priest acting in persona Christi, every time we go to Mass. Often the "active participation quote" from Vatican II is misunderstood in this context.] It is up to us therefore to choose what part we want to play in the drama, who we wish to be: Peter, Judas, Pilate, the crowd, the Cyrenean, John, Mary … No one can remain neutral; not take a position, means to take a very precise one: Pilate’s who washes his hands or the crowd “standing by, watching” (Luke 23:35) [Whoa! This is key everyone. You cannot remain lukewarm when it comes to one's Catholic Faith, be it through standing on the sidelines with regard to critical faith issues like Pontius Pilate, just being "nice," taking the side of the world or dissenting from the Church like Judas when he betrayed our Lord, or denying your Catholic Faith in various ways as did Peter directly. Even Jesus commented that those lukewarm would be spit out of God's mouth come their judgement. You either truly belive in the Magisterium and the teachings of the Church and seek to apply that in all areas of our lives, espeically in upholding our Catholic beliefs in the public square, or you don't really care/believe in the Faith and are no different than those who attack our Faith. Isn't the expression 'for evil to triumph, it is only for good men [and women] to do nothing?' or something like that? I suspect it's possible Benedict is trying to stir up in our hearts via this homily, delivered by his mouthpiece priest, a more devout faith and to either do it or forever hold your peace.]
If when going home this evening, someone asks us “Where are you coming from? Where have you been?” We must also answer, at least in our heart: “on Calvary!”* * *
However, all this does not happen automatically, just because we have taken part in this liturgy. It is a question of “accepting” the meaning of the mystery. This happens with faith. [Yes! Just going to Church alone does not make you a good Catholic or practicing one. You could go every Sunday and sin the other 6 days. Are you truly being nourished by the Mass and carryiong out the mission of the Church when the priest dismisses you from Mass when he says "Go in peace" or "ite, missa est" (The Mass is finished)? Faith without works is dead. Vice versa also applies too, as actions without faith are just actions that any person can do for some collective benefit of the world, with no true, final end goal is sight. Furthermore, this could be Benedict taking aim at the many Catholics around the world who are "C & E" or Christmas and Easter Catholics.] There is no music where there is no ear to hear it, no matter how loud the orchestra sounds; there is no grace where there is no faith to receive it. In an Easter homily of the 4th century, the bishop pronounced these extraordinarily modern, and one could say existentialist, words: “For every man, the beginning of life is when Christ was immolated for him. However, Christ is immolated for him at the moment he recognizes the grace and becomes conscious of the life procured for him by that immolation.”[6]
However, let us stay on the safe side; let us listen to a doctor of the Church. “What I cannot obtain by myself – writes Saint Bernard --, I appropriate (literally, I usurp!) with confidence from the pierced side of the Lord., because he is full of mercy. Hence my merit is the mercy of God. I am certainly not poor in merits, as long as he is rich in mercy. If the mercies of the Lord are many (Psalm 119:156), I will also abound in merits. And what about my own righteousness? O Lord, I will remember only your righteousness. In fact, it is also mine, because you are righteousness for me on behalf of God” (cf. 1 Corinthians 1:30).[7] [An appropriate insert about the Divine Mercy of the Lord, considering in the Latin Rite that next Sunday is Divine Mercy Sunday. If you haven't started, please look up the Novena to Divine Mercy and obtaining the indulgences with this feast day.] Did this way of conceiving holiness make Saint Bernard, perhaps, less zealous in good works, less committed to the acquisition of virtues? Did perhaps the apostle Paul neglect to mortify his body and reduce it to slavery (cf. 1 Corinthians 9:27), he who, before all and more than all, had made of this appropriation of Christ’s righteousness the purpose of his life and of his preaching (cf. Philippians 3:7-9)?
In Rome, as unfortunately in all big cities, there are so many homeless people, human persons who only have a few rags upon their body and some poor belongings that they carry along in a plastic bag. Let us imagine that one day this voice spreads: on Via Condotti (everyone knows what Via Condotti represents in Rome!) there is the owner of a fashion boutique who, for some unknown reason, whether out of interest or generosity, invites all the homeless of Termini rail way station to come to her shop; she invites them to take off their soiled rags, to have a good shower and then choose the garment they want among those displayed and take it away free of charge.All say in their heart: “This is a fairy-tale, it never happens!” Very true, but what never happens among men is what can happen every day between men and God, because, before Him, we are those homeless people! This is what happens in a good confession: you take off your dirty rags, your sins, receive the bath of mercy and rise “clothed in the garments of salvation, covered with the robe of righteousness” (Isaiah 61:10).¸[CONFESSION! He is promoting the Sacrament of Confession!!!]
The tax collector of the parable went up into the temple to pray; he said simply but from the depth of his heart: “God, be merciful to me a sinner!”, and “he went down to his house justified” (Luke 18:14), reconciled, made new, innocent. The same could be said of us, if we have his same faith and repentance, when we go home after this liturgy. * * *
Among the personages of the Passion with whom we can identify, I realize that I have neglected to name one that more than all awaits those who will follow his example: the good thief. [St. Dismas]. The good thief made a complete confession of sin; he says to his companion who insults Jesus: “Do you not fear God, since you are under the same sentence of condemnation? And we indeed justly, for we are receiving the due reward of our deeds; but this man has done nothing wrong” (Luke 23:40f.). Here the good thief shows himself an excellent theologian. Only God in fact, if he suffers, suffers absolutely as innocent; every other being who suffers should say: “I suffer justly,” because even if he is not responsible for the action imputed to him, he is never altogether without fault. Only the pain of innocent children is similar to God’s and because of this it is so mysterious and so sacred.
How many atrocious crimes in recent times remained anonymous, how many unresolved cases exist! The good thief launches an appeal to those responsible: do like me, come out into the open, confess your fault; you also will experience the joy I had when I heard Jesus’ word: “”today you will be with me in Paradise!” (Luke 23:43). How many confessed offenders can confirm that it was also like this for them: that they passed from hell to heaven the day that they had the courage to repent and confess their fault. I have known some myself. The paradise promised is peace of conscience, the possibility of looking at oneself in the mirror or of looking at one’s children without having to have contempt for oneself. Do not take your secret to your grave; it would procure for you a far more fearful condemnation than the human. [This isn't just an opinion to ignore. Obstinancy in sin is one of the six major offenses against the Holy Spirit. And considering big crimes like murder (exception is legitimate self-defense) and adultery are "grave offenses" which would undoubtedly fulfill the conditions of mortal sin, the condemnation without repentance before death would be Hell. No sanctifying grace, no way to even remotely unite with our Lord in Heaven.] Our people are not merciless with one who has made a mistake but recognizes the evil done, sincerely, not just for some calculation. On the contrary! They are ready to be merciful and to accompany the repentant one on his journey of redemption (which in every case becomes shorter). “God forgives many things, for a good work,” says Lucia to the Unnamed in Manzoni’s novel “The Betrothed”; with greater truth we can say, he forgives many things by one act of repentance. He promised it solemnly: “though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall become like wool” (Isaiah 1:18).
Let us take up now and do what we heard at the beginning, it is our task this day: with joyful voices let us exalt the victory of the cross, intone hymns of praise to the Lord. “O Redemptor, sume carmen temet concinentium”[8]: And you, O our Redeemer, receive the song we raise to you. [YEAH!!! LATIN!!! WOOT WOOT WOOT!!!]
1. Nicholas Cabasilas, Vita in Christo, I. 9 (PG 150, 517)
2. Saint John Chrysostom, De coemeterio et de cruce (PG, 49, 596).
3. Saint Augustine, Sermon 220 (PL 38, 1089).
4. Cf. Paul VI, Mysterium fidei (AAS 57, 1965, p. 753 ff).
5. Augustine, Epistle 55, 1, 2 (CSEL 34, 1, p. 170).
6. Paschal Homily of the year 387 (SCh 36, p. 59 f.).
7. Saint Bernard of Clairvaux, Sermons on the Canticle, 61, 4-5 (PL 183, 1072).
8. Hymn of Palm Sunday and of the Chrism Mass of Maundy Thursday
Father Raniero Cantalamessa, ofmcap“I DIED, AND BEHOLD I AM ALIVE FOR EVERMORE” (Revelation 1:18)Homily of Good Friday 2012 in Saint Peter’s Basilica
Some ancient Fathers of the Church enclosed in an image the whole mystery of the redemption. Imagine, they said, that an epic fight took place in the stadium. A courageous man confronted a cruel tyrant who had the city enslaved and, with enormous effort and suffering, defeated him. You were on the terraces; you did not fight, or make an effort or get wounded. However, if you admire the courageous man, if you rejoice with him over his victory, if you intertwine crowns, arouse and stir the assembly for him, if you kneel joyfully before the triumphant one, kiss his head and shake his right hand; in a word, if you rave so much as to consider his victory yours, I tell you that you will certainly have part of the victor’s prize. However, there is more: imagine that the victor had himself no need of the prize he had won, but wished more than anything to see his supporter honored and considers as the prize of his combat the crowning of his friend, in that case, perhaps, will that man not obtain the crown also though he has not toiled on been wounded? He certainly will obtain it![1] [What a fitting analogy]
It happens thus, say the Fathers, between Christ and us. On the cross, he defeated the ancient enemy. “Our swords – exclaims Saint John Chrysostom – were not bloodied, we were not in agony, we were not wounded, we did not even see the battle and yet we obtain the victory. His was the fight, ours the crown. And because we are also the conquerors, let us imitate what soldiers do in such cases: with joyful voices let us exalt the victory, let us intone hymns of praise to the Lord!”[2] It is not possible to explain better the meaning of the liturgy we are celebrating. * * *
However, is what we are doing itself an image, a representation of a reality of the past, or is it the reality itself? It is both things! “We – said Saint Augustine to the people – know and believe with very certain faith that Christ died only once for us […]. You know perfectly that all that happened only once, and yet the solemnity renews it periodically […]. Historical truth and liturgical solemnity are not opposed to one another, as if the second is fallacious and the first alone corresponds to the truth. In fact, of what history says occurred only once in reality, the solemnity repeatedly renews the celebration in the hearts of the faithful. [This is exactly what happens every single Mass. We are renewed sacramentally in the Eucharist and re-immerse ourselves in His passion, death, and resurecction, via the unbloddy re-presentation of his Sacrifice on Calvary.] ”[3]The liturgy “renews” the event: how many discussions have taken place for the past five centuries on the meaning of this word, especially when it is applied to the sacrifice of the cross and to the Mass! Paul VI used a verb that could smooth the way to an ecumenical agreement [holding my feelings in on this one .... grrrr....] on such an argument: the verb “to represent,” understood in the strong sense of re-presenting, namely to render what happened again present and operative.[4]
There is an essential difference between the representation of Christ’s death and that, for example, of the death of Julius Caesar in Shakespeare’s tragedy of the same name. No one celebrates as a living person the anniversary of his own death; Christ does because he is risen. Only he can say, as he does in Revelation: “I died, and behold I am alive ever more” (Revelation 1:18). We must be careful on this day, visiting the so-called sepulchers or taking part in processions of the dead Christ, not to merit the reproach that the Risen One addressed to the pious women on Easter morning: “Why do you seek the living among the dead?” (Luke 24:5). The affirmation of certain Orthodox authors is bold but true. The anamnesis, namely the liturgical memorial, “renders the event truer than when it happened historically the first time.” In other words, it is more true and real for us who relive it “according to the Spirit,” than it was for those who lived it “according to the flesh,” before the Holy Spirit revealed the full meaning to the Church.
We are not only celebrating an anniversary but a mystery [YES!]. Again, it is Saint Augustine who explains the difference between the two things. In the celebration “by way of anniversary,” nothing else is required – he says – than to “indicate with a religious solemnity the day of the year in which the recollection of the event itself takes place;” in the celebration by way of mystery (“in sacrament”), “not only is an event commemorated but it is also done in a way in which its meaning is understood and it is received devoutly.”[5]This changes everything. It is not just a question of attending a representation, but of “accepting” the significance, of passing from spectators to actors. [The context is not the way we know actors, like those on our movie screens or Hollywood, nor it is people in their various lay ministries or bringing up the wooden cross. He means as in the person participating in mind, body, and soul, uniting their prayers with that of the priest acting in persona Christi, every time we go to Mass. Often the "active participation quote" from Vatican II is misunderstood in this context.] It is up to us therefore to choose what part we want to play in the drama, who we wish to be: Peter, Judas, Pilate, the crowd, the Cyrenean, John, Mary … No one can remain neutral; not take a position, means to take a very precise one: Pilate’s who washes his hands or the crowd “standing by, watching” (Luke 23:35) [Whoa! This is key everyone. You cannot remain lukewarm when it comes to one's Catholic Faith, be it through standing on the sidelines with regard to critical faith issues like Pontius Pilate, just being "nice," taking the side of the world or dissenting from the Church like Judas when he betrayed our Lord, or denying your Catholic Faith in various ways as did Peter directly. Even Jesus commented that those lukewarm would be spit out of God's mouth come their judgement. You either truly belive in the Magisterium and the teachings of the Church and seek to apply that in all areas of our lives, espeically in upholding our Catholic beliefs in the public square, or you don't really care/believe in the Faith and are no different than those who attack our Faith. Isn't the expression 'for evil to triumph, it is only for good men [and women] to do nothing?' or something like that? I suspect it's possible Benedict is trying to stir up in our hearts via this homily, delivered by his mouthpiece priest, a more devout faith and to either do it or forever hold your peace.]
If when going home this evening, someone asks us “Where are you coming from? Where have you been?” We must also answer, at least in our heart: “on Calvary!”* * *
However, all this does not happen automatically, just because we have taken part in this liturgy. It is a question of “accepting” the meaning of the mystery. This happens with faith. [Yes! Just going to Church alone does not make you a good Catholic or practicing one. You could go every Sunday and sin the other 6 days. Are you truly being nourished by the Mass and carryiong out the mission of the Church when the priest dismisses you from Mass when he says "Go in peace" or "ite, missa est" (The Mass is finished)? Faith without works is dead. Vice versa also applies too, as actions without faith are just actions that any person can do for some collective benefit of the world, with no true, final end goal is sight. Furthermore, this could be Benedict taking aim at the many Catholics around the world who are "C & E" or Christmas and Easter Catholics.] There is no music where there is no ear to hear it, no matter how loud the orchestra sounds; there is no grace where there is no faith to receive it. In an Easter homily of the 4th century, the bishop pronounced these extraordinarily modern, and one could say existentialist, words: “For every man, the beginning of life is when Christ was immolated for him. However, Christ is immolated for him at the moment he recognizes the grace and becomes conscious of the life procured for him by that immolation.”[6]
However, let us stay on the safe side; let us listen to a doctor of the Church. “What I cannot obtain by myself – writes Saint Bernard --, I appropriate (literally, I usurp!) with confidence from the pierced side of the Lord., because he is full of mercy. Hence my merit is the mercy of God. I am certainly not poor in merits, as long as he is rich in mercy. If the mercies of the Lord are many (Psalm 119:156), I will also abound in merits. And what about my own righteousness? O Lord, I will remember only your righteousness. In fact, it is also mine, because you are righteousness for me on behalf of God” (cf. 1 Corinthians 1:30).[7] [An appropriate insert about the Divine Mercy of the Lord, considering in the Latin Rite that next Sunday is Divine Mercy Sunday. If you haven't started, please look up the Novena to Divine Mercy and obtaining the indulgences with this feast day.] Did this way of conceiving holiness make Saint Bernard, perhaps, less zealous in good works, less committed to the acquisition of virtues? Did perhaps the apostle Paul neglect to mortify his body and reduce it to slavery (cf. 1 Corinthians 9:27), he who, before all and more than all, had made of this appropriation of Christ’s righteousness the purpose of his life and of his preaching (cf. Philippians 3:7-9)?
In Rome, as unfortunately in all big cities, there are so many homeless people, human persons who only have a few rags upon their body and some poor belongings that they carry along in a plastic bag. Let us imagine that one day this voice spreads: on Via Condotti (everyone knows what Via Condotti represents in Rome!) there is the owner of a fashion boutique who, for some unknown reason, whether out of interest or generosity, invites all the homeless of Termini rail way station to come to her shop; she invites them to take off their soiled rags, to have a good shower and then choose the garment they want among those displayed and take it away free of charge.All say in their heart: “This is a fairy-tale, it never happens!” Very true, but what never happens among men is what can happen every day between men and God, because, before Him, we are those homeless people! This is what happens in a good confession: you take off your dirty rags, your sins, receive the bath of mercy and rise “clothed in the garments of salvation, covered with the robe of righteousness” (Isaiah 61:10).¸[CONFESSION! He is promoting the Sacrament of Confession!!!]
The tax collector of the parable went up into the temple to pray; he said simply but from the depth of his heart: “God, be merciful to me a sinner!”, and “he went down to his house justified” (Luke 18:14), reconciled, made new, innocent. The same could be said of us, if we have his same faith and repentance, when we go home after this liturgy. * * *
Among the personages of the Passion with whom we can identify, I realize that I have neglected to name one that more than all awaits those who will follow his example: the good thief. [St. Dismas]. The good thief made a complete confession of sin; he says to his companion who insults Jesus: “Do you not fear God, since you are under the same sentence of condemnation? And we indeed justly, for we are receiving the due reward of our deeds; but this man has done nothing wrong” (Luke 23:40f.). Here the good thief shows himself an excellent theologian. Only God in fact, if he suffers, suffers absolutely as innocent; every other being who suffers should say: “I suffer justly,” because even if he is not responsible for the action imputed to him, he is never altogether without fault. Only the pain of innocent children is similar to God’s and because of this it is so mysterious and so sacred.
How many atrocious crimes in recent times remained anonymous, how many unresolved cases exist! The good thief launches an appeal to those responsible: do like me, come out into the open, confess your fault; you also will experience the joy I had when I heard Jesus’ word: “”today you will be with me in Paradise!” (Luke 23:43). How many confessed offenders can confirm that it was also like this for them: that they passed from hell to heaven the day that they had the courage to repent and confess their fault. I have known some myself. The paradise promised is peace of conscience, the possibility of looking at oneself in the mirror or of looking at one’s children without having to have contempt for oneself. Do not take your secret to your grave; it would procure for you a far more fearful condemnation than the human. [This isn't just an opinion to ignore. Obstinancy in sin is one of the six major offenses against the Holy Spirit. And considering big crimes like murder (exception is legitimate self-defense) and adultery are "grave offenses" which would undoubtedly fulfill the conditions of mortal sin, the condemnation without repentance before death would be Hell. No sanctifying grace, no way to even remotely unite with our Lord in Heaven.] Our people are not merciless with one who has made a mistake but recognizes the evil done, sincerely, not just for some calculation. On the contrary! They are ready to be merciful and to accompany the repentant one on his journey of redemption (which in every case becomes shorter). “God forgives many things, for a good work,” says Lucia to the Unnamed in Manzoni’s novel “The Betrothed”; with greater truth we can say, he forgives many things by one act of repentance. He promised it solemnly: “though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall become like wool” (Isaiah 1:18).
Let us take up now and do what we heard at the beginning, it is our task this day: with joyful voices let us exalt the victory of the cross, intone hymns of praise to the Lord. “O Redemptor, sume carmen temet concinentium”[8]: And you, O our Redeemer, receive the song we raise to you. [YEAH!!! LATIN!!! WOOT WOOT WOOT!!!]
1. Nicholas Cabasilas, Vita in Christo, I. 9 (PG 150, 517)
2. Saint John Chrysostom, De coemeterio et de cruce (PG, 49, 596).
3. Saint Augustine, Sermon 220 (PL 38, 1089).
4. Cf. Paul VI, Mysterium fidei (AAS 57, 1965, p. 753 ff).
5. Augustine, Epistle 55, 1, 2 (CSEL 34, 1, p. 170).
6. Paschal Homily of the year 387 (SCh 36, p. 59 f.).
7. Saint Bernard of Clairvaux, Sermons on the Canticle, 61, 4-5 (PL 183, 1072).
8. Hymn of Palm Sunday and of the Chrism Mass of Maundy Thursday
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Quickpost: Most pageviews at once for YCRCM
Hello All,
I can't believe this. Blogger's stat counter just listed me as having 16 hits in one hour, 5pm EST to be exact. I can't believe this. This is the most in one day I've received. Thanks to all who viewed my page. Hopefully Holy Saturday I'll have a bit more time to work on my project. Maybe a bit tomorrow too.
I can't believe this. Blogger's stat counter just listed me as having 16 hits in one hour, 5pm EST to be exact. I can't believe this. This is the most in one day I've received. Thanks to all who viewed my page. Hopefully Holy Saturday I'll have a bit more time to work on my project. Maybe a bit tomorrow too.
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Quick Post: Update April 1, 2012.
Hello Everyone,
Hope all is well with you heading into Holy Week. So I see I got a new blogger, Christopher. Well Hello Christopher. Thanks for joining up and I read your blog briefly. Glad to have another supporter of TCs/TPs on here.
So what's new? Well I was incognito for a bit because I had a job interview for something more suited to my skill set. I didn't get the job, but now that freed me up to start getting back to my latest blog project that I mentioned last time. Yeah that one I'm warning you about. I've got more work to do but it has been coming along. I did get one small break to add some more to the final thoughts of the post, thanks to a TC friend and I'm reveiwing some of the documents he sent me on why he has chosen to abandon the Novus Ordo. So my post will be one heck of a nutty, but with some decent final thoughts. Again stay tuned, and since I likely won't post before Easter (save maybe some Catechesis as I did some liturgical calendar work prior to my starting this blog), I wish you all a blessed Holy Week, somber Good Friday and Holy Saturday, and joyous Easter.
Pax Tibi Christi, YCRCM.
Hope all is well with you heading into Holy Week. So I see I got a new blogger, Christopher. Well Hello Christopher. Thanks for joining up and I read your blog briefly. Glad to have another supporter of TCs/TPs on here.
So what's new? Well I was incognito for a bit because I had a job interview for something more suited to my skill set. I didn't get the job, but now that freed me up to start getting back to my latest blog project that I mentioned last time. Yeah that one I'm warning you about. I've got more work to do but it has been coming along. I did get one small break to add some more to the final thoughts of the post, thanks to a TC friend and I'm reveiwing some of the documents he sent me on why he has chosen to abandon the Novus Ordo. So my post will be one heck of a nutty, but with some decent final thoughts. Again stay tuned, and since I likely won't post before Easter (save maybe some Catechesis as I did some liturgical calendar work prior to my starting this blog), I wish you all a blessed Holy Week, somber Good Friday and Holy Saturday, and joyous Easter.
Pax Tibi Christi, YCRCM.
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